Roller coasters, binge eating, and triggers.

Growing up, I was a follower. Still am in a way. I like to keep the peace, I’m up for whatever, and I enjoy pleasing people. As a kid, these attributes were more like curses because of the scenarios that unfolded. 

My best friend loves roller coasters, almost as much as she loved trying to convince me to ride them. When she asked, my stomach would crawl up into my throat. I remember the feelings that welled up inside me just as keenly as if it had happened two minutes ago. 

We would be standing in a loose group, a few of us talking about what to ride next. I had already been all the rides that were bordeline kiddie types and was completely satisfied. My friends, however, were already getting excited as they talked about riding the roller coaster next. I smiled politely and listened, turning the idea of going with them over in my mind. Meh, who knows? Maybe this time would be different. Maybe I wouldn’t be screaming my head off, fearing for my life, and praying to the merciful God in heaven to not let the track break and my body be shattered to a million pieces. 

That thought alone settled my resolve.


The events proceeded as they usually did. I would decided to walk with everyone and eventually my best friend would ask me if I was going to ride the beast with her. I would decline and she’d drop the line on that I eventually started dreading. “If you don’t go, you”ll regret it and wish you had.” Ughhhhh. 

So I would get in line. I would sit down in the cart. The loud CLANK of the bar would rattle me out of my desicion but before I could jump out of that cart and run screaming, we would jerk forward and I would literally want my mother. No lie. As we were jerked around, up, under and in between,  I would once again be screaming in fear, wishing it was over, and apparently creating some terrifying faces that they park camera would capture.

When we rolled to a stop, my and my disheveled self would swear…NEVER AGAIN.

I get carried away in story telling at times but this was needed. There are certain things that happened that triggered my decision to riding that roller coaster. Looking back, I realize I have identified those triggers and can now avoid roller coaster no matter what anyone says. I have done this so well that when a group of friends plan a trip to any amusemet park, they don’t even bother mentioning it to me. Thus, I am left safe, happy and not worrying about being the next stain on the pavement. 

It’s the same with food. I have had to identify my triggers. There are things that are bad for me that I can eat and not enjoy at all. 

On the flip side, there are items that I can consume that make me want to pay exorbitant amounts money to get, thus starting the roller coaster ride of binge eating. Then of course, guilt, regret and anger always follow.

When you are on that roller coaster ride, the quickest way to get off is to never get on. You don’t get on by knowing what to avoid.

Here are some things I identified as triggers.

Pizza. I LOVE pizza. But it was easy. Don’t buy it. 

Sugar, soda and other processed foods were also fairly easy to part with.

My triggers were ‘healthy’ snacks. White cheddar popcorn. Whole wheat pasta. Reduced fat Cheezits. Cheddar rice cakes. Oikos frozen yogurt. Are all of these things bad? Maybe not for the masses but I had to be firm against them.

Why? They triggered other cravings in my body! I found out the starch and the sugar and the yeast in these products made my body crave things that were unhealthy. Whether I like it or not, I have to be strict in my food decisions if I want to be successful in my fit journey. 

Just as I identified the moments in which I had to say no to avoid the near-death experience people call roller coasters, I have to know the food items that trip me up and cause me to stumble. If not, that cycle will never end. I have to be realistic with myself about things that can trigger cravings.

Could I ever get to a place where I can add these things back?

I could.

Will I?

Probably not.

Will I ever get to a place where I enjoy roller coasters?

Absolutely NOT.

Cheat meals, moderation and other terms that make me cringe

Cheat Meals:

Junk food

Is it terrible that when I started my fitness journey, the loudest thought in my distracted head was the joys of future cheat meals?

Pitiful, I know.

I started doing some research and I was kinda shocked to find the professional masses were just as exstatic about cheat meals as I was. Some take it very seriously! One fitness coach I was reading about advised his clients to eat a whole can of saurkraut before consuming cheatables because it enabled you to take in more.

I’m not going to lie…that story got me excited. I felt justified. I just got my free pass! I could eat what I want for the allotted ‘two hours’ because the fitness professional said so! Nah nah nah.

Two hours…what a joke. A cheat meal would turn into a cheat day and suddenly I was back in the same habits of consuming food that was bad for my body. I was constantly frustrated and always wondering what I was missing.

I was missing a crucial detail. I was tracing someone else’s story on my experience, trying to fit my life into their lines. Compare yourself to others and you’ll miss the mark every time.

The biggest thing I’ve been learning is that I have to look at my obstacles, my hangups, my day to day struggles and adjust according to those. For example, food is an addiction and needs to be treated that way for me. It doesn’t make any sense to be in the middle of a habitual lifestyle change and add in ‘moderation’ the very thing you’re trying to get rid of.

That leads to my next word that makes me cringe.


Everybody says it. Everybody seems to be able to live with it. Why couldn’t I?

I know exactly why. I’m NOT them. I am a young woman who has just now begun her fitness journey. I am a firm believer in knowing that God has already given me everything I need, but I have let those things lay dormant as I formed unhealthy habits. As I’m changing my lifestyle, I have to practice new habits to replace the old. Clarification? I’m cutting out junk food to adjust my taste, so the last thing in the world I should be doing is shoving a pizza down my throat, eating fried foods or chugging pure sugar, cheat day or no. It just doesn’t make sense for me.

I can’t emmulate other people’s habits because I don’t know where they are in life. The shove-a-can-of-saurkraut-so-I-can-have-an-all-you-can-eat-buffet-guy has been living out a fit lifestyle long before I even thought of dropping grease outta my life. Further research has shown that cheat meals can be beneficial, but for this fit-striving-I-will-do-it-even-if-fast-food-is-gone-for-good girl, I know it’s a weakness I can’t afford.

Bottom Line:

I need to know myself and how I tick, I need to know my limits. As a person who is often distracted, very quickly, by anything different than what’s in front of me, I have to be strategic about the decisions I’m making. I have to take this journey one step at a time, one day at a time. When you spend years sowing one habit, you have to be driven and disciplined to change it! Thankfully, I serve a God that supplies strength and endurance I need so I can do and be the best I can!

I fail, I make mistakes and I constantly think about giving up! However, I know that it’s part of the experience. I give myself a shove, tell myself to shut it, and keep going. If I make a mistake, I expect a quick recovery and a lesson learned, hence this post! As my favorite pastor, Pastor Greg says often, “Be a quick down, quick up person.” If I fail, I want to jump right back up. Each day, it’s going to get easier as I walk away from the old habits and run in the new.

Standing in this corner, with crisp, salty, cbettylicousness…the Summer Salad!!

Can I just say this is one of the MOST simple salads ever? It’s simplicity is beautiful and it’s taste is addictive! I just HAD to share this with you loverly people. All five of you. 

Anyways! Here she be:

The recipe is so simple!

Kalamata Summer Salad:

You will need…

3 large, plumpin’ tomatoes

2 English cucumbers

1 jar of sliced kalamata olives

1/4 cup of feta cheese

Salt and pepper

Chop ingrediants into same size chunks and dump into bowl. Salt and pepper to taste. To get even more packin’ flavor, chop cucumbers and add in a separate bowl with salt and some fresh or dried dill. Combine with salad and serve. 

No breakfast? Hello Hulk…


“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

Truer words were never spoken, other than the invention of the word ‘hangry’ (for those who do not know, it’s the brutal state you find yourself in when you’re teeth crunching hungry and ANGRY about it).

Anyways, me myself and I had the bright idea of pushing my food prep that I usually do on Sunday nights to Monday morning. What did Monday bring? Over-sleeping, not eating breakfast, rushing out the door and ending up at work shedding a tear or two in honor of the breakfast that was missed.

I was hangry, annoyed, and ready to chomp down on just about anything, which unfortunately ended up being one of my coworkers sugar crusted blueberry muffins.

I didn’t enjoy it even a little. It tasted good, but my stomach was clogged with white flour, sugar and fruit that just couldn’t be real fruit. I was annoyed. Then, the cravings swooped in and I wanted everything from pizza to peanut M&Ms (which I don’t even like) to boiled peanuts to month old snacks in our backroom drawer that we still think are good. Plus, I work at a bank in Wal-mart surrounded by fast food joints and pizza places. I can get that stuff by the fistful. I came to a truth that bugs me often. If I don’t get breakfast with my protein, I turn into the Incredible-Give-Me-Food-Now-Or-Someone-Gets-Hurt Hulk. So, nevertheless I found a decent-ish replacement in Oikos Triple Zero greek yogurt. No artificial sweetners, no calories, no added sugar and 15g of protein. Not exactly the breakfast of champions but it was better than nothing for this unprepared over-sleeper.

These were the symptoms I was dealing with today and then by doing some research, I found out I wasn’t the only one. Amazing read!

10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Skip Breakfast

So! What do I walk away with? Clearly, breakfast is important! I know exactly what I need to do. Get my schedule in order and do what needs to be done! Sometimes, I can stress over the details of the process but it boils down to one truth that a very smart company trademarked. JUST DO IT. I need my proteins to fight cravings, and I’m constantly amazed at how it keeps me going throughout the day when I prepared my five, small meals for the next day. So regardless of what’s going on, it’s worth sacrificing some free time, or even a little sleep. If I don’t, I will feel it the next day! Here’s a sample meal plan I found from Shannon Deys on the Muscle and Fitness website. You guys HAVE to check out their website! So many endless tools for anything you could ever want in fitness. Here’s the sample I go by. I hope it’s helpful!

Transformation Workout Sample Meal Plan

(Note: I am doing what I think is right for my body. I am not a trained authority on fitness, I’m only sharing what I have found works for me. This meal plan is coupled with an intense body sculpting workout so it justifies eating that amount of calories.)